Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Whole School Public Speaking Competition

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School will be holding a whole school public speaking competition in Week 6 on Monday 13th November at 9am in the School Hall. Year 6 will be required to write ONE 2-3 minute speech on a chosen topic from the list below. You must present a NEW topic (not one you have presented in Term 3).  A finalist will be selected from each class to compete in the finals. 

The children who are finalists will be presenting their prepared speech and those from Years 3 – 6 will also be participating in an impromptu speech. The impromptu speech will have a preparation time of ten minutes. Topics will be drawn out of a hat and provided on the day.

You are required to participate in this competition as part of the Curriculum Board of Studies focus on Speaking and Listening. Prepare your speech for homework during Weeks 1-3.  All speeches will be presented in Week 4. 

The topics to choose from are as follows:

  • Senior (Year 3-6)

  •            "People with disabilities want to be recognised for what they can do, not what they can't do." Paralympic swimmer Karni Liddell.

  •            Pope Francis calls us to care for our common home in Laudato Si…

  •            Plastic

  •            Space

  •            My vote for Australian of the Year…

  •           Endings and beginnings

  •            The future we want…

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Year 6 Memories Scrapbook

Term 4 is Scrapbooking Time for Year 6
Image result for scrapbooking ideas
During Term 4 Year 6 will create a Primary Years Scrapbook.  This is a much loved tradition at Sacred Heart and is a wonderful activity to help you reflect on your primary school years before you move into high school next year.

You will need to buy a scrapbooking (K-Mart, Spotlight, Riot Art & Craft) or photo album or use one from home to create your Primary Years Scrapbook of memories.  Alternatively, you might like to use a book with blank pages like an art book or a display folder.  The choice is yours. 

This scrapbook is going to be about your journey and time at Sacred Heart Primary School (or other primary schools if you have attended more than one school).  Throughout the process you can use photos, drawings, pieces of work, certificates, poems or anything that describes your time at this school.  You will then need to write a reflection about each year in your primary school journey to include on the page for that year.

Image result for school scrapbooking ideasDuring Week 1   Purchase/source book and browse through photos at home to find some you would like to use in your scrapbook.  This will save lots of time during term and is a fun family activity as well!  We will also scour our school drive for any photos of our year group and saved those into our Student Work folder, so you can print those at school, email them to yourself to print at home or save onto a USB to print at a photo outlet.

Homework Schedule
The scrapbook will be constructed as a homework task throughout Term 4 and will continue until Week 8.

You will need to complete one page (usually a double page spread) for each school year per week during Term 4 as part of your weekly homework.  The schedule is as follows:
Image result for scrapbooking ideas
Wk 1        Complete cover and title page
Wk 2        Kindergarten
Wk 3        Year 1
Wk 4        Year 2
Wk 5        Year 3
Wk 6        Year 4
Wk 7        Year 5
Wk 8        Year 6

Each year should include photos, merits, sporting ribbons etc from that year as well as a written reflection about your favourite aspects of the year (e.g. who was your teacher, favourite excursion, friends you played with etc).  Add borders and embellishments to complement each page.

You are to bring your scrapbook to school each Friday so your teacher can check your progress.  We will share our scrapbooks at the Spirituality Day coming up later in the term.  It is important not to fall behind as it is very difficult to catch up.

Display each year in a neat and interesting way, creating a wonderful reflection of yourself and your years at primary school.  Be as imaginative or creative as you like and enjoy reflecting on your Primary School Years.

Mrs De, Mrs Firman, Mrs Wood & Mrs Williams