Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Whole School Public Speaking Competition

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School will be holding a whole school public speaking competition in Week 6 on Monday 13th November at 9am in the School Hall. Year 6 will be required to write ONE 2-3 minute speech on a chosen topic from the list below. You must present a NEW topic (not one you have presented in Term 3).  A finalist will be selected from each class to compete in the finals. 

The children who are finalists will be presenting their prepared speech and those from Years 3 – 6 will also be participating in an impromptu speech. The impromptu speech will have a preparation time of ten minutes. Topics will be drawn out of a hat and provided on the day.

You are required to participate in this competition as part of the Curriculum Board of Studies focus on Speaking and Listening. Prepare your speech for homework during Weeks 1-3.  All speeches will be presented in Week 4. 

The topics to choose from are as follows:

  • Senior (Year 3-6)

  •            "People with disabilities want to be recognised for what they can do, not what they can't do." Paralympic swimmer Karni Liddell.

  •            Pope Francis calls us to care for our common home in Laudato Si…

  •            Plastic

  •            Space

  •            My vote for Australian of the Year…

  •           Endings and beginnings

  •            The future we want…

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Year 6 Memories Scrapbook

Term 4 is Scrapbooking Time for Year 6
Image result for scrapbooking ideas
During Term 4 Year 6 will create a Primary Years Scrapbook.  This is a much loved tradition at Sacred Heart and is a wonderful activity to help you reflect on your primary school years before you move into high school next year.

You will need to buy a scrapbooking (K-Mart, Spotlight, Riot Art & Craft) or photo album or use one from home to create your Primary Years Scrapbook of memories.  Alternatively, you might like to use a book with blank pages like an art book or a display folder.  The choice is yours. 

This scrapbook is going to be about your journey and time at Sacred Heart Primary School (or other primary schools if you have attended more than one school).  Throughout the process you can use photos, drawings, pieces of work, certificates, poems or anything that describes your time at this school.  You will then need to write a reflection about each year in your primary school journey to include on the page for that year.

Image result for school scrapbooking ideasDuring Week 1   Purchase/source book and browse through photos at home to find some you would like to use in your scrapbook.  This will save lots of time during term and is a fun family activity as well!  We will also scour our school drive for any photos of our year group and saved those into our Student Work folder, so you can print those at school, email them to yourself to print at home or save onto a USB to print at a photo outlet.

Homework Schedule
The scrapbook will be constructed as a homework task throughout Term 4 and will continue until Week 8.

You will need to complete one page (usually a double page spread) for each school year per week during Term 4 as part of your weekly homework.  The schedule is as follows:
Image result for scrapbooking ideas
Wk 1        Complete cover and title page
Wk 2        Kindergarten
Wk 3        Year 1
Wk 4        Year 2
Wk 5        Year 3
Wk 6        Year 4
Wk 7        Year 5
Wk 8        Year 6

Each year should include photos, merits, sporting ribbons etc from that year as well as a written reflection about your favourite aspects of the year (e.g. who was your teacher, favourite excursion, friends you played with etc).  Add borders and embellishments to complement each page.

You are to bring your scrapbook to school each Friday so your teacher can check your progress.  We will share our scrapbooks at the Spirituality Day coming up later in the term.  It is important not to fall behind as it is very difficult to catch up.

Display each year in a neat and interesting way, creating a wonderful reflection of yourself and your years at primary school.  Be as imaginative or creative as you like and enjoy reflecting on your Primary School Years.

Mrs De, Mrs Firman, Mrs Wood & Mrs Williams

Monday, 4 September 2017

Challenge Based Learning - Interconnectedness

Challenged Based Learning - Semester 2

This semester, Year 6 will be exploring Geography through the Challenge Based Learning (CBLframework.  CBL is an engaging multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that encourages learners to use current technologies to solve real-world problems. Challenge Based Learning is collaborative and hands-on, asking students to work with peers, teachers, and experts in their communities and around the world to ask good questions, develop deep subject area knowledge, identify and solve challenges, take action, and share their experience.  You can read more about CBL here.

Year 6 will be focusing on the Big Idea of INTERCONNECTEDNESS.

Our Essential Question is: How is Australia connected to other parts of the world?

Our Challenge is: Use our INTERCONNECTEDNESS to help others in our global community.

Together we have viewed a proposal movie, which you can view here, around the big idea of Interconnectedness to use as a springboard into our inquires.

Year 6 have been thinking hard about the big idea and have brainstormed meaningful questions using the QUESTION SORT thinking routine about Australia's connections with the world.  We look forward to a rich and rewarding final term of primary school, where Year 6 students are able to work together to enact real change for the better in our world.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Homelessness Brochure

Use the sites below to research statistics about homelessness in Australia:

Homelessness Australia

Homelessness Fact Sheets

Kids Under Cover

Salvation Army

Hutt Street Centre (SA)

Personal Stories

More stories - see the links on the left to hear about a variety of situations that have left people homeless

Examples of Charity Brochures

Types of Homelessness

Organisations that offer support to the homeless:

St Vincent de Paul

Image result for homeless brochure
Exodus Foundation

Red Cross

The Salvation Army

StreetSmart Australia

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Mini Vinnies 'Mini' Winter Sleepout

 Once again all Sacred Heart year groups are supplementing our Mini Vinnies program this year by organising their own social justice initiatives to reach out to those in need, just as Jesus did. 

Mini Vinnies is a student-based program of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, which promotes the values of social justice and introduces children to the spirituality of the Society and the many good works that the St Vincent de Paul Society does. It encourages us to live our faith through action. 

The major social justice initiative in Year 6 will be a “Mini Winter Sleep Out” to be held on Friday 1st September (Week 7) in the school Hall. We feel this is a particularly good way of reaching out to others, especially in this Year of Compassion when the works of mercy are more important than ever.

The agenda for the event is as follows: 
  • 6:30 pm: Students to arrive at school. Dinner served (Soup and bread rolls)
  • 7:00 pm Adrian Calleia from St Vincent de Paul to give a background talk on the history of St Vincent de Paul and the aim of the Winter Appeal which our donations will contribute towards. He will also discuss the meaning of the Vinnies’ logo and motto.
  • Mrs McBryde to share with us her recent personal experiences of reaching out to Sydney's homeless.
  • 7:30 pm Children to break up into small groups and complete “Cardboard Box” shelter activity- children to construct shelters out of cardboard boxes
  • 8:30 pm Liturgy run by Year Six liturgy team
  • 9:00 pm Recap and announcements regarding money raised so far from the sleep out.
  • 9:15 pm Pick up time – Thank you
If you are able to help by making and serving the soup on the night or approaching local bakeries (Coles, Woolworths, Bakers Delight etc) to seek a donation of bread rolls to accompany the soup please contact our Class Parents or Year 6 Teachers.

The children are seeking sponsorship for their participation in the mini sleep-out. All donations will be collected through the SMHV Year 6 2017 Vinnies Fundraising Page.  Please click here if you would like to donate and support this worthy cause:

Donations made online will be directly transferred to the St. Vincent de Paul Society NSW and each donor will be sent a tax-deductible receipt via email. For those unable to access the fundraising page, students each have a sponsorship form to enable them to list all sponsors and the amounts collected. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. 
Image result

See more about Vinnies Winter Sleepout see here.

Year 6 are proud to be involved in this work of mercy and we thank you for your support. 

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Mathletics Tri-nations Challenge

The Mathletics Tri-Nations challenge is a fun, FREE online maths competition contested by schools from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The competition runs for one week (14 August – 20 August), with the week prior being a Training period. Top schools and students will receive prizes.
The Tri-Nations Challenge is open to students from Kindergarten to Year 10, with engaging activities appropriate for all year levels. A great way to improve basic fluency skills for younger learners and drill advanced fluency skills for older learners.
From Monday, Year 6 will be able to access Mathletics and practice assigned and live activities for one week before competing in the challenge in Week 5.  Your teacher will provide you with your sign on details.
Access Mathletics from here whenever you can over the next two weeks to take advantage of this great mathematics resource.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Wordmania Word Building Competition

Participate in 'the most fun and awesome word building competition in Australia.'  Build as many words as you can from a given selection of letters.  How many words can you make in 3 minutes?  

  • Click on the link above to practise your word building skills. 
  • Click on Student Log In (top right corner) to access the practise area. 
  • Use the username and password that your teacher has provided (kept in your homework book and school tub).  
  • Click on WORDMANIA 
  • Click on PLAY
  • You can access the site from home or school, so practise as much as you can!
The competition starts on 31st July, so be ready then to participate with more than $100,000 in prizes to be won!
See the Literacy Planet website for more details.
Good Luck!

Competition Dates:
There are 2 rounds of the competition and a final round as per the following dates:
Registration & practice period    Now until 31st July
·         Round 1 July 31 – Aug 4
·         Round 2 Aug 7 - Aug 11

·         Final Round Aug 16 - Aug 18

PS You can also access the Literacy Planet website from the right hand menu, Our Favourite Websites.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Year 6 Interschool Public Speaking Competition

The 2017 Diocese of Broken Bay, Brother Tony Whelan Public Speaking Competition

Year 6 students will be participating in the Brother Tony Whelan Public Speaking Competition in Term 3.

All Year 6 students will choose from a variety of provided topics and prepare three minute speeches on those topics. All students should prepare two topics from the topics provided below. Students will present speeches over Weeks 1-4 of Term 3 and two finalists will be selected from these presentations to represent Sacred Heart Mona Vale at the Peninsula North Cluster Public Speaking final.

The Peninsula North Cluster Public Speaking final will be held on Friday 18th August at Sacred Heart Mona Vale School Hall at 9:15am. The two finalists from Sacred Heart along with finalists from five other North Cluster Catholic schools will present their three minute prepared speech and a one minute spontaneous speech at the Cluster Final. Two finalists will then be selected on this day to proceed further in the Competition.  They will represent the Peninsula North Cluster at the Diocesan Final at St Patrick’s Catholic School, Asquith on Tuesday 5th September at 7pm.

Topics for this year's speeches are as follows:

Diocese of Broken Bay Br Tony Whelan Public Speaking Competition Topics 2017

Prepared 3-minute speech. (Warning bell will ring at 2 mins 30 secs.)

1. “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced” Vincent Van Gogh
2.Sustainable Development Goals – The future we want. 

3. Endings and Beginnings

4. Scales

5. “Sometimes it takes years for a person to become an overnight success” Prince Musician

6. Code

7. Insects

8. Warming up.

9. Space

10. Cultural diversity

11. Animal antics

12. End of an Era

13. Global community

14. Plastic 

15. "People with disabilities want to be recognised for what they can do, not what they can't do." Paralympic swimmer Karni Liddell.

· No microphones will be used by speakers.
· No props to be used by speakers.
· Small palm cards are encouraged.
· Adjudication for speeches will be consistent with the Guidelines and the below Adjudicator’s Score Sheet.


Began in an interesting manner.

Central theme evident and logical sequence developed.

Supported opinion with facts and examples.

Appropriate use of language.  

Strong ending, as close as possible to the time allowed.


Visual: Stood straight and tall.
Good eye contact

Unobtrusive use of notes.Gestures which assist in conveying a message.

Vocal: Clear and appropriate use of voice.
Varied expression.

Pace not too fast.

The ability to establish a rapport with the audience.

5 = outstanding   4 = very good   3 = good   2 = OK, but could improve   1= Needs practice in this area

Good luck to all our participants!

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Pittwater Short Story Competition

                         Aspiring writers should enter this prestigious short story competition.

Category 1: Writers 9-12 years of age

Prize: $ 100 Berkelouw Book Voucher, Length: No more than 500 words.
Entries  close Friday June 2, 2017.
          Entries should be submitted in hard copy
Pick up an entry form or download one using the link below.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Catholic Worldview Photo Competition

Attached is the information for the Northern Beaches Learning Community of Catholic Schools “Catholic Worldview - Through the Lens of a Child” Photo Competition 2017. The closing date for entries is Friday 26 May 2017. (Term 2 Week 5)

The 2017 Photographic Competition categories are 
People, Places, Nature or Animals. 
To enter the competition students email their entries directly to 
Students are allowed to submit only one photograph. 

Conditions of Entry 
Public exhibition and/or publication of selected photos will occur; photos may be displayed on the school’s websites. 
Entrants in the competition agree that NBLCCS ‘schools’ reserve the right to use all images entered in the competition for on-going promotional and educational purposes. 
The ownership will remain that of the photographer, however by entering the competition, you agree all rights to payment for copyright, royalty or any other purpose are waived for each and every photograph entered. 
All efforts will be made to provide appropriate acknowledgement of the photographer whenever photographs are used for the purposes outlined in the Conditions of Entry. 
If people appear in your photos, please gain permission for the photo to be displayed and published. 
The Entrant indemnifies the ‘Schools’ against all damages, losses, costs and expenses in the permissions mentioned above. 
By entering the Competition, all entrants and/or their representative(s) consent to the use of their first name, schools and year level, photograph, voice and/or image for any publicity and marketing purposes, commercial or otherwise, in all media used by the ‘Schools’ without payment or compensation, throughout the world in perpetuity. 

A panel of judges from The School Photographer will choose winning photos in each category and an overall winner. 
All winners will receive a framed print of their winning entry 
First Prize in each category - $50.00 
Second Prize in each category - $25.00 
Third Prize in each category – framed print 
Overall winner - $100.00 
The presentation of prizes will take place at an assembly at Maria Regina Catholic Primary School Avalon. This date will be confirmed next term. 

Each school will receive a poster collage of winning entries. 

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Let's Talk About Rights....

What are rights?  Why are they important?

After viewing and discussing the BTN article about the Rights of a Child this week, think more about the idea of human rights.  

In class task
Brainstorm a list of basic human rights for everyone.

Are there any rights that are more important to children?

A simplified version of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child can be viewed here and more information from Unicef can be found here.  

Rank these rights from most important to least important. Choose your top three choices. Explain why you think these rights are important - use your best persuasive language techniques!

o   Children have the right to be with their family or a family who will care for them
o   Children have the right to an adequate standard of living
o   Children with a disability have the right to special care
o   Every child has the right to be alive
o   Children have the right to good quality education
o   Children must not be used as cheap workers or soldiers
o   Children have the right to say what they think and to meet together to express their views
o   Every child has the right to a name and nationality
o   Children have the right to nutritious food and clean water
o   Children have the right to health care
o   Children have the right to play
o   Children have the right to be kept safe and not be hurt or neglected
o   Children have the right to practise their own language, religion and culture

Friday, 24 March 2017

The Prodigal Son Assessment - Storyboard


Using the Storyboard That! website, create a storyboard to retell the story of the Prodigal Son.
Assessment Outcomes SS 3.5a, GRHD S3.1a  

What to include:

A retelling of the story in a clear and understandable way.  Include your retell in the text boxes below your pictures (2 marks)

Include dialogue using the 'speakables' feature. Use words describing the key messages of the scripture in your speech bubbles ( e.g. sorrow, forgiveness, love etc.)  (3 marks)

As a final panel, include a thoughtful commitment on how elements illustrated in the story can be incorporated in your daily life (eg love, forgiveness, repentance etc) (3 marks)

Creative use of the software (2 marks)

Total Marks /10

Access the Storyboard That! website here: 

    • Class Name: lizwilliams
    • Access Key: plant502

      Class Password : The password to join this class is 6w2017

      Use the sign on provided by your teacher.


      • Class Name: louisede
      • Access Key: door1335 
      Class Password : The password to join this class is 6d2017

      Use the sign on provided by your teacher.